“What's That Pink Thing?”
Digital Collage
40” x 60”
1 of 3 (slight variations)






“The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter”
Digital Collage
40” x 60”
1 of 3 (slight variations)













“504 On The Floor”
Digital Collage
40” x 60” 1 of 3 (slight variations)


New Orleans is constantly under threat. The land on which it sits is literally disappearing yearly. Hurricanes destroy neighborhoods and hurt those already in need. Oil spills in the gulf kill wildlife and soil coastlines. New Orleans is a poor city for those who toil on the edge. Junk men driving around the city in their battered pickups while painted in the New Orleans colors of black and gold. Gathering mattresses and recyclables their reward. Coastal birds are covered in oil while underwater oil rigs burn. And yet the inner beauty persists.